The  Meaning of the Colors of the Chad Flag:    
Blue: The liberty of Chadians.
Yellow: The land of Chad (much of which is desert).
Red: The blood of those who have defended the good of the nation.         
Chad National Anthem (French; English translation is below)          
Peuple tchadien,
Debout et à l'ouvrage!
Tu as conquis ta terre et ton droit.
Ta liberté naîtra de ton courage
Lève les yeux l'avenir est à toi!
O mon pays,
Que Dieu te prenne en garde!
Que tes voisins admirent tes enfants.
Joieux et pacifiques, en avant en chantant!
Fidèles à tes anciens qui te regardent...      
          English Translation :    
          People of Chad, arise and get busy!
You have won the fight for your land and your rights.
Your liberty will be born from your courage.
Lift up your eyes, the future belongs to you.
Oh, my country, may God choose to guard you.
May your neighbors admire your children.
Full of joy and peacefully move forward as you sing,
Faithful to your ancestors who are watching you.          
          Chadian Coat of Arms/Crest

1École Nationale d'Administration, TchadN'Djamena
2Université Emi KoussiN'djamena
UnUniversité Adam Barka d'AbéchéAbéché
UnUniversité de SarhSarh
UnUniversité de DobaDoba
UnUniversité des Sciences et de Technologie d'AtiAti
UnUniversité Roi FayçalN'Djamena
UnUniversité de MoundouMoundou
UnUniversité de N'DjaménaN'Djamena
